Welcome to the Ethics On-line Training System

Note:  Online training is provided on an individual basis.  As such, you may register as only one person per email address.  Once training is completed, our system will not allow a certificate to be printed under any person’s name other than the one you provide initially upon registering. 

Please Enter the Following Information to Gain Access to the On-line Training Seminars.
*  denotes a required field.
E-mail Address: *
Re-type E-mail: *
Password: *  (Password must be at least 5 characters long.)
Re-type Password: *
* *
Title First Middle Last Suffix
Date of Birth: * (mm/dd/yyyy)
Mailing Address
Address Line 1: *
Address Line 2:
City: * State: * Zip Code: *
Attorney Information
Some training courses have been approved by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization to satisfy Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) requirements.  The courses that meet MCLE requirements will be denoted as such in the list of available courses.  To obtain MCLE credit, you must enter your Louisiana Bar Number in the space provided below.  Course completions will be reported by the Ethics Administration to the MCLE Committee on a monthly basis.
Louisiana Bar Number:
(If you are not an attorney, please leave the bar number blank.)


The Louisiana Board of Ethics is committed to protecting your personal information. For completing online Ethics Training, you must provide some basic information including Last Name, First Name, Mailing Address, Email address, Date of Birth, Agency, Department and Bar Number (attorneys only).  This information is used for internal purposes only, namely to credit you with one hour of Ethics Training.  We will not disclose this information to third parties; however, we may share selected information with your HR Department upon request.